• info@fiwon.org
  • +2347085601685

What We Do


Towards achieving FIWON’s goal of serving as a platform of advocacy and representation for informal workers, FIWON  operates the following services:

  • Civic and Trade Union Education: Given the serious lack awareness of rights and obligations among informal workers, FIWON devotes a lot of its resources to continuous civic and trade union education.
  • Leadership Education: In order to transcend the severe limitations of backward traditions and poor leadership skills among informal workers and their organizations, FIWON devotes considerable amount of its resources to leadership training of the more advanced layers of the informal workers.
  • Organizing: FIWON continuously organizes informal workers across the identified 28 sectors and sub-sectors of the informal economy. The current initiative or direct e-registration of FIWON members is an added boost to FIWON’s organizing.
  • Campaigns: FIWON hashad to engage in specific campaigns on behalf of its members. Key among these are the campaign against demolition of informal housing in Abuja, July 2012, the campaign for social protection of informal workers with a Bill presented to the National Assembly, campaign against the ban of okada on Lagos in the inner city routes, etc., etc. These campaigns have earned FIWON enormous credibility among informal workers.
  • FIWON Financial Services: FIWON has an advanced program of mobile financial services that facilitates members’ needs for savings (ajo, esusu, adashi), credits, health insurance, pensions, mortgage etc.
  • FIWON Legal Services: FIWON makes expansive use of available alternative dispute resolution mechanisms to help redress cases of human rights infractions frequently suffered by informal workers. Scores of cases, especially involving domestic workers over arbitrary termination of employment have been successfully settled this way. The need for legal advocacy geared towards legal interpretation of some touchy areas of the law not favourable to informal workers has also been recognized.